
Pigeon Toe Deformity in Kids: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment Options at Acacia Foot & Ankle Surgeons

Apr 17, 2024
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Pigeon toe deformity, also known as intoeing, is a common condition in children where the feet point inward instead of straight ahead. While many children outgrow this condition naturally, some may require intervention to correct it.

Understanding Pigeon Toe Deformity:

Pigeon toe deformity is often noticed in toddlers and young children as they begin to walk. It can result from various factors, including:

  1. Internal tibial torsion: Twisting of the shinbone (tibia) inward, causing the feet to turn inward.
  2. Metatarsus adductus: Curving of the front part of the foot inward, leading to intoeing.
  3. Femoral anteversion: Excessive inward rotation of the thighbone (femur), causing the knees and feet to turn inward.

Symptoms of pigeon toe deformity may include tripping, stumbling, and awkward walking patterns. While mild cases may resolve on their own as the child grows, severe or persistent intoeing may require intervention to prevent future complications.

Treatment Options at Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons:

At Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we offer a range of treatment options tailored to each child's unique needs. Dr. Kaveh Panahi, our experienced podiatrist, specializes in pediatric foot conditions and provides compassionate care to help children overcome pigeon toe deformity. Our treatment options include:

1. Observation: In many cases, pigeon toe deformity resolves on its own as the child's bones and muscles develop. Dr. Panahi will monitor the child's condition closely and provide guidance on appropriate interventions if needed.

2. Orthotics: Custom orthotic devices may be prescribed to help align the feet and ankles properly, reducing inward rotation and improving walking mechanics. Orthotics are non-invasive and can be particularly effective for mild to moderate cases of pigeon toe deformity. Learn more about orthotics. 

3. Stretching and strengthening exercises: Dr. Panahi may recommend specific exercises to stretch tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles in the legs and feet. These exercises can help improve range of motion and stability, contributing to better foot alignment over time.

4. Bracing: In some cases, bracing may be necessary to maintain proper foot alignment and prevent further inward rotation. Dr. Panahi will assess the child's condition and determine if bracing is appropriate based on their age, severity of deformity, and other factors.

5. Surgical intervention: In rare cases of severe or persistent pigeon toe deformity that do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical intervention may be considered. Dr. Panahi will discuss the risks and benefits of surgery with the child's parents and develop a personalized treatment plan if surgery is deemed necessary.


Are you concerned about your child's pigeon toe deformity? Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, led by Dr. Kaveh Panahi, offers expert treatment options to help children overcome intoeing and walk with confidence. Contact us today at 623.439.2200 or schedule your consultation using our online scheduling system to learn more about our personalized approach to pediatric foot care.


Pigeon toe deformity is a common condition in children that can affect their mobility and quality of life. At Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Dr. Kaveh Panahi and his team are dedicated to providing compassionate care and effective treatment options for children with pigeon toe deformity. Whether through observation, orthotics, exercises, bracing, or surgical intervention, we are committed to helping children achieve optimal foot alignment and function. If your child is experiencing intoeing, don't hesitate to reach out to us for expert guidance and support.